We talk with mama muse, Jess Large about her beautiful label Bonnie and Harlo.
How did the Bonnie and Harlo journey start?
Bonnie & Harlo journey started just over 5 years ago now after I had my little wildflower Bonnie Harlo. After two sweet boys we were blessed with our third child a girl and thus the hunt for gorgeous girls items began. It was Easter time and I was looking for a headband that was easter themed (back then big bows were on trend and the bigger the better) but I couldn't find what I was after it so decided to make my own.
What were some of the big milestones for you and how did you adapt to change along the way?
From what started out as a friend telling me I could sell these little "Boho bunny ears" online has gone from me outgrowing a part of the house to a small shared warehouse to now a beautiful big warehouse with a small team. It has meant learning to be organised (because I'm a creative person I find this very difficult) and to celebrate each step.
You currently find yourself in a new phase of life with all three of your kids now at school, how are you finding this new season both personally and for your business?
This new season has been challenging as Bonnie went off to Prep this year and I've found myself very lost without my muse. I'm giving myself time to adjust and learn to take each season as it comes and also learning that I'm able to squeeze some more work into the day too.
What are some of the biggest challenges juggling mum-life and a successful business?
The biggest challenges between mum life and biz life is telling myself I can do it all and putting extreme pressure on myself to do everything perfectly - which is so unrealistic as I believe we are all good at particular things we are not all good at everything. Its impossible to "DO IT ALL" as they say - so learning to accept that the house will be a mess because house work is something I'm just not great at is one side and outsourcing things like keeping the business books up to date is another.
Any exciting new developments on the horizon for Bonnie and Harlo you can share with us?
Bonnie & Harlo is finding its groove now and I'm excited to enter this next phase with it. We have a new baby collection launching next month too.
What advice would you give anyone who has a dream of starting their own business?
My advice to anyone wanting to start a biz is to research research research and to just be yourself in your work (whatever that may be) because you can only be yourself! I recently came across a quote that said "Don't ever think you have to change who you are to be successful".
Our Bonnie and Harlo x Bluebird Co collab Wildflower necklace is now available online!